Selecting the Customer & Vehicle |
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To search for the customer / vehicle enter one or more of the details in the selection boxes :-
Surname / Company Name : The first few characters of the customers surname or company name Initial / First Name : The customers initial or first name to reduce the selection of just entering the customers surname Post Code : The customers post code (first part or all of the post code). Telephone : The beginning of the telephone no (with or without the area code). Reg No : The beginning or all of the registration no of the vehicle Other : Any other search criteria (customer id, chassis no, model of vehicle etc).
Once a selection is entered and the Search button is clicked, a list of matching customer records are displayed :-
Double-click on the line no to select the customer / vehicle.
To review and update the customer details before continuing, single-click on the line and click "Update"
If the customer record does not exist, then click on the "New Customer" button to add the customer details (See Marketing guide for details).
If the customer owns multiple vehicles (depicted by the "Multiple Vehicles" tag in the registration no), then selecting this customer will display an additional selection window :-
Select the vehicle that is required.