Description of First Screen

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The Vehicle Administrators Toolkit [Vehicle Search] Screen allows the user not only to search for current stock in a variety of ways, but also to interrogate the system for relevant reports and statistics.


The buttons across the top of the screen are as follows:


“Add New” – Allows the user to create a stock number for a New Vehicle.

“Add Used” – Allows the user to create a stock number for a Used Vehicle.

“Sales Order” – Allows the user to create a Sales Order (See Chapter 7).

“Customers” – Allows the user to view/create a customer record (See separate instruction booklet).

“Stock List” – Allows the user to view the current stock list and access individual stock numbers.

“Orders” – Allows the user to view and access all outstanding vehicle orders.

“Debtors” – Allows the user to view and access all outstanding debtors.

“Close” – Closes the Vehicle Administrators Toolkit Screen.



