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The Vehicle tab is where you add vehicles to the contact and also update the vehicles on the contract.


Create Contract - Vehicles


To add a vehicle (asset) to the contact select the Add Vehicle button. The following window will then appear:


Create Contract - Vehicles - Add


Search for the required Vehicle - the Search asset screen will appear where you can search for the required vehicle by either registration number or fleet number.


Fill in the required Contract Details - this is the start date and time, the start mileage, and the return date and time.


Fill in the required Payments details - this is the First payments, number of subsequent payments and subsequent payment amount.


Select Save.


Now that the vehicle has been added it will display on the Vehicles tab.


If you double click the vehicle on the Vehicles tab the window that now appears is different. See the below window:


Vehicle screen - contract


This window shows you the details that you previously entered but also has some additional information.

These additional items are the following -

Manual Invoice button - this allows you to raise a manual invoice to the customer.

Replacement button - this allows you to replace the vehicle for another vehicle from the asset management.

Accounting tab - this shows the current contract value and additional accounting.

Termination - this is to be filled in when a vehicle has been returned - when this has been filled in the status will be changed to Closed and this vehicle be available for other contracts and rental.