Reconciling Key Balance Sheet Accounts

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It is essential from an accounting perspective that key balance sheet accounts are reconciled regularly.  The system does some of the key control accounts itself every day (see Reconcile Nominal Ledger Accounts option)


In Navigator, it is possible to reconcile balance sheet accounts by reconciling a schedule of the nominal ledger with departmental reports.


To schedule a nominal ledger account, click on Accounts > Nominal Ledger > Reports > Schedule Nominal :




To schedule a nominal ledger account, key in the full account no, and then choose what field this account should be scheduled by (eg Sales Ledger account no for the Sales ledger control account).  Then select the date that you wish to schedule to.    The nominal schedule is used to provide an analysis of the nominal code at a particular historical date (and is used to support month and year end accounts) but for the purposes of reconciliation either the current date or a future date (in case of forward postings) should be used.


The report displayed is as below (for the Sales Ledger Control) :-




The nominal schedule can be printed or exported to a spreadsheet by using the "Export" menu option at the top of the screen.