Completing a full Stock Take

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As a best practice before proceeding with your annual stock take, you should run the "No Stock Report" in the Parts Managers Toolkit. This will produce a list of Part numbers with Nil Stock and a bin location not equal to “NOT STOCKED”.  Any bin locations that are not going to be used again should be changed to "NOT STOCKED". (Also remember to remove the bin location if required).


The correct spelling for the “NOT STOCKED” must be as displayed in uppercase with a space between the two words.

Your annual stock take sheets will not print out any bin locations that have Zero stock and a bin location of “NOT STOCKED”.

Before running the Stock Take Sheets please do the following:

Before printing the Stock Take Sheets, get the value of your stock by going to the Parts Managers Toolkit then Stock List. Press the [REPORT] button and the entire list of all parts in stock will be displayed. Enter the following values in the spread sheet below:




Parts Actual Cost


Surcharge Actual Cost


Old Unit Cost


Total Parts Value



As a backup please export the stock file onto your pc desktop.  Next carry out the stock take by doing the following:

[Parts], [Stock Check], press the “Sheets” icon to print out the required stock take sheets.

Count all of the stock and enter quantities onto the stock take sheets.

Select the “Enter Sheet” icon and enter the Stock Check Sheet No, the parts for that sheet will be displayed one after another. At the end a exception sheet will be printer.

After stock take is finished re-run the stock value and enter below:



Parts Actual Cost


Surcharge Actual Cost


Old Unit Cost



Then enter figures from both sheets below:


Before S/Take

After S/Take


Parts Actual Cost




Surcharge Actual Cost




Old Unit Cost